[Kde-games-devel] Konquest

Alexander Schuch aschuch247 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 4 20:07:49 UTC 2015

Hi there,

I have to admit that due to time contraints I do not follow this list
closely, but nevertheless I caught up reading all messages, and I
decided to give Konquest a try on Kubuntu 14.10 (preview) using KF5
(in a virtual machine).

After some hours of trying and failing, I managed to compile it, et
voilà, it runs - more or less.

I am using KF5 from Kubuntu and I just compiled libkdegames
(frameworks) and Konquest (frameworks) from git. I get the following

cannot find .rc file "konquestui.rc" for component "konquest"

How do I fix it?

I compile Konquest into build/build and I install it into
build/install. For KF5, I used build/build-kf5 and build/install-kf5.
The file is present, just in different directories:


The start script I use for the classic KDE version (Applications, I guess) is:

#!/bin/sh -eu

cd /home/aschuch/repository/git/anongit.kde.org/konquest/build/install
export KDEDIRS=/home/aschuch/repository/git/anongit.kde.org/konquest/build/install

This script works. But if I try to run the KF5 version (I replaced
"install" with "install-kf5"), I get the error above. As a result, the
"view" menu is not visible and neither is the toolbar available.

One more question about development in general: Changes for Konquest
take place in "master" branch and they get merged to "frameworks"
branch? Or vice versa?


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