[Kde-games-devel] OSX/CI: Compilation of status of KF5 games

Marko Käning mk-lists at email.de
Sun Feb 15 17:25:53 UTC 2015

Hi folks,

I have updated my list with your feedback and re-tested the merged games.

(I somehow have the feeling it would be better to set up a little wiki page
 instead of trying to send a well-formatted email to the ML each and every
 time new stuff comes in.)


Seem to play fine:

+ kbreakout

+ ksnakeduel
  - but prints this on console:
      Failed to lock file "/Users/marko/Library/Caches/kpc/ktron-cache.lock”
      Couldn't create index file "/Users/marko/Library/Caches/kpc/ktron-cache.index”
  [Laurent] kpixmapcache (kpc) is deprecated and will be replaced

+ kshisen

+ klines 
  - prints repeatedly 'link path42450 hasn't been detected!' on the console
  [Albert] just QtSvg not understanding the sag files

+ klickety
+ ktuberling s
+ ksquares
+ kiriki
+ kjumpingcube
+ kspaceduel
+ kolf

+ konquest k
  - Couldn't find node *_background. Skipping rendering.

+ granatier g
+ kmahjongg
+ killbots
+ kgoldrunner s
  - there seem to be some short interruptions in the game-flow at times
  - also this on console "modalSession has been exited prematurely - check for
                          a reentrant call to endModalSession:"


Seem to play fine, but (at least sometimes) crash at exit:

- kapman
- bovo
- kblackbox
- kollision
- knetwalk
- kbounce
- katomic m
- lskat

- kblocks s
  - prints "games.lib: Refusing to load theme with no name
            Error loading KBlocks .desktop theme “” 
            games.lib: Attempting to load .desktop at “/opt/kde/install/..."
            games.lib: Refusing to load theme with no name
            Error loading KBlocks .desktop theme “” "

- kdiamond s
- kmines
- knavalbattle
- ksudoku (even plays 3d puzzles)
- picmi [1]


Crash at startup:

- kubrick


Other trouble:

* fourinline
   - complains about "Installation error: No AI engine found. Continue without AI."
   - doesn't play the computer's part (due to missing AI)
   - crashes at exit

* palapeli
   - doesn’t find its shipped puzzles (overview is empty at startup) 
   - can crash at some stage
   [Ian] Expected.  Neither QStandardPaths nor loading a plugin are working well
         on OSX at the moment… ;-)

* kpat
   - formerly crashed with FAILURE (KCmdLineArgs) 
     and ASSERT: "0" in file …/kcmdlineargs.cpp, line 1435
   - currently fails to build on OSX/CI

* kigo k
   - can’t find a go engine
   - then crashes at exit

* kreversi
   - starts with main window, game board is visible
   - can’t get into game as a dialog appears with 2 unreadably small buttons
   - then crashes at exit


I know that Jeremy can run e.g. kapman _without_ crashing at exit and it would be
good to figure out whether there are more cases like that and what the reason for
this difference is. I am using the OSX/CI system, whereas he uses a QSP-patched
kdesrc-build developer installation.


P.S.: I might have missed some more "phonon backend plugin” issues...


s) "WARNING: bool Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend() phonon backend plugin
    could not be loaded”

   [Ian] Re the "s", if you have OpenAL and libsndfile libraries, KGr should
         not be loading Phonon.  If you do not have them, KGr should disable
         sound altogether and give you a popup message.

   [Me]  Ports openal as well as openal-soft fail on Mavericks as of now.
         I remember Ryan mentioning that openal is outdated and one should use
         openal-soft. The latter I’d like to avoid as well, as it requires tons
         of X11 dependencies, which I just got rid of by introducing a mesa-free
         libepoxy-devel for the kdecoration framework! :(

g) Didn't know how to play granatier, but I was able to move around the little

m) "Failed to establish shared memory mapping, will fallback to private memory —
    memory usage will increase”

k) fails to create lock and index files like ksnakeduel above (kpc will go away)


[1] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=343751

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