[Kde-games-devel] Merge frameworks in master

laurent Montel montel at kde.org
Wed Dec 31 06:23:43 UTC 2014

Le Wednesday 31 December 2014 15:02:50 Ian Wadham a écrit :
> Hi Albert and Laurent,
> Thank you very much, Laurent, for all your work on this.  I particularly
> appreciate you tackling KGoldrunner and Palapeli, which are quite
> large code-bases.
> On 31/12/2014, at 9:54 AM, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > El Dimarts, 30 de desembre de 2014, a les 20:59:44, laurent Montel va

> > What the maintainers of the others say?
> I am still the maintainer of KGoldrunner, KJumpingCube, KSudoku, Kubrick and
> Palapeli.
> Merging the Frameworks versions into master would make it impossible for me
> to work on them in the foreseeable future.  The reason is that I work on an
> Apple MacBook using OS X operating system and nobody has yet succeeded in
> building and running Frameworks-based applications on that platform.
> We have one guy (Marko Käning) working on it, but he is on Christmas
> holidays now.  He is using Bovo and KMahjongg as test cases.  Just before
> Christmas he reported that he had KMahjongg running, but it would not Quit
> properly…

Ok but I can't help you in macosx support.

> Also, there are ongoing debates on KDE Software on Mac OS X
> <kde-mac at kde.org> about fundamentals, such as:
>    - How to install, build and use Qt 4 and Qt 5 concurrently.
>    - How to set up defaults for the XDG_* directories [1].
> And I am using KDE4-based builds of the games that I maintain as
> test-applications for diagnosing and fixing bugs in KDE 4 internal
> libraries, utilities and apps.  See
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337742.  That bug has been crippling
> Dr Konqi on Apple OS X, Linux+KDE4 (which a lot of users still have) and
> Linux+KF5.
> Lastly, there are still many things about KDE4 that do not work properly on
> Apple OS X and our group on kde-mac at kde.org are working our way through
> them.  We believe this is worth doing because it may well be a year or more
> before we have KF5 released and running via MacPorts and the last of the
> KDE4 apps ported to both KF5 and Apple OS X (via MacPorts).  Also, many of
> the problems we find and fix in KDE4 will also need fixing in KF5 on Apple
> OS X.  The Dr Konqi bug is just a small example.  We find games and other
> KDE4 apps valuable in helping to diagnose the problems and test fixes.
> So please, please hold your horses for now, Laurent… :-)  Please do not
> merge the frameworks branch into master.

So you don't think it”s a good idea to move theses applications to next kf5 
release ?

> > For the ones without maintainer I would be hesitant to merge them all at
> > once, compiling is veeeeeeery far from running 100% good.
> > 
> > Maybe we could do something like "the day of Y", where we merge the "ones
> > without maintainer" every few days and ask everyone to try to see if they
> > can find a regression?
> I read your blog re testing games you have ported, Laurent.  My advice is to
> try and pick games that have Demo or computer v. computer settings.  Such
> games exercise a lot of their code automatically, so you can do a quick
> test without needing to know how to play them.  If you find any porting
> errors, check if you have made similar errors in the other games.

I do it for each application that I port it.

> Palapeli also has five demo jigsaw puzzles.  If you can get as far as
> displaying a list of them, you have exercised quite a lot of Palapeli,
> including loading a plugin to slice the demo puzzles into pieces from the
> image files as distributed. You then need to open a demo puzzle and try
> fitting a few pieces together.


> @Albert:
> There is a lot more to Palapeli than that and I cannot test it on KF5, so
> would you be releasing Palapeli/KDE4 and Palapeli/KF5 concurrently in
> Applications releases, where Palapeli/KF5 would be a kind of beta?
> Cheers, Ian W.
> [1] /usr and /usr/local cannot be used in QStandardPaths because Apple OS X
>      already uses them, sometimes with versions of code that conflict with
> those used in FOSS.  David Faure has been showing an interest in this.

Laurent Montel | laurent.montel at kdab.com | KDE/Qt Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,  http://www.kdab.fr

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