[Kde-games-devel] Git Conversion: small change to the progress table

Frederik Schwarzer schwarzer at kde.org
Sat Mar 31 19:52:07 UTC 2012


I would like to propose a small change to the progress table.

The text above the table says:
"It is assumed that the rule writer has already verified the 
correctness of the repository, so don't bother adding yourself to the 

Despite the pedantic fact that everyone is discuraged to add their 
names here ;) ... I am not sure if the implicit nature of the table 
corresponds to reality. Well, I am sure it does not because I did not 
check all the repos I wrote rules for entirely yet.

So to better indicate the actual state of the rules/repo, it might be 
a good idea to ask the author of the rules to also mark the respective 
checks when he has finished them.

So people who want to check a repo can see if the author considers it 
done yet.


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