[Kde-games-devel] Using GHNS (Get Hot New Stuff)

Ian Wadham iandw.au at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 03:00:51 UTC 2012

There is a feature of KDE called "Get Hot New Stuff" (GHNS) and I have
sometimes thought about using it in KGoldrunner for such goodies as:

   - Solutions to levels
   - High-score records
   - Releasing new levels in between releases of KDE (but untranslated)
   - Posting levels to be contributed
   - Graphics themes
   - Sound themes

Unfortunately, every time I look at it (over several years) I seem to find
that it has recently been re-written and the documentation is incomplete.

I just don't understand it enough and AFAIK other KDE Games people
have only used it for graphics and wallpapers.

In particular, I do not see any advice about where to store the "stuff" and
how secure, backed up and *constant* that place might be (web sites
appear, disappear or change URLs all the time).

I think the GHNS URLs of an app have to be hard-coded somehow, so
what if they change between releases of KDE?

Also how would one segregate stuff uploaded by third parties, e.g. claimed
high scores versus validated high scores, newly submitted levels versus
tested levels or levels intended for release in KDE (and translation into KDE
supported languages)?

Any advice or experience would be welcome.

Thanks very much in advance, Ian W.

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