[Kde-games-devel] Removing KGameDifficulty: Please port remaining uses outside trunk

Stefan Majewsky stefan.majewsky at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 7 22:59:54 UTC 2012

Moin moin,

this evening I nearly finished the transition from KGameDifficulty to
KgDifficulty in trunk. Only KSudoku is left, I hope to port that

Before I can remove the old KGameDifficulty class from trunk, some
usages outside trunk need to be ported:

* extragear/games/knights
* kdereview/mancala
* playground/games/kpeg
* playground/games/krosswordpuzzle
* playground/games/kspiral
* playground/games/picmi

If you don't like to depend on an unreleased libkdegames version,
these games may decide to continue using KGameDifficulty for the time
being. In this case please copy libkdegames/kgamedifficulty.{h,cpp}
into your own source tree. (The class might need to be renamed to
avoid symbol conflicts with libkdegames.)

If you want to move to KgDifficulty immediately, don't worry: The port
is fairly easy. I ported a dozen games in a few hours myself, and have
assembled porting instructions at

It would be great if you could keep me informed on your decisions. I
hope to be able to remove the old KGameDifficulty class as soon as

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