[Kde-games-devel] Requirements review: Highscores and statistics in libkdegames

Stefan Majewsky stefan.majewsky at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 15 22:46:41 UTC 2012

Moin moin,

after KgDifficulty has been submitted for review (By the way, be
assured that I will also port all other usages of KGameDifficulty to
KgDifficulty, not just KDiamond. I just did not want to clutter the
patch and delay it until all ports are done.), I've chosen that "the
next thing" shall be KgScore.

Right now we have two highscore systems in libkdegames:

* KHighscore/KScoreDialog manages a simple list of the top-ten scores
(per category, e.g. difficulty level). Used by most games.

* KExtHighscore, the vastly more powerful brother of KHighscore,
records statistics for each player, e.g. win/lose counts and longest
streaks. Used only by KReversi.

Then there are two applications with their own solutions in this area:

* KPat records simple statistics per game type: win/lose counts and
longest streaks.

* KGoldRunner implements functionality similar to KScoreDialog, but
seems to refrain from using KScoreDialog directly in order to support
legacy highscore data.

Is this all? If so, I'll follow the traces of KScore2 for the
highscore part, and implement a more flexible successor for
KScoreDialog that can safely use legacy score data and support
grouping that is more complex than one level. I'll probably also
implement similar, but separately available functionality for game
statistics. (The only merge point is the interface, then.) Do you have
anything to add on these thoughts?


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