[Kde-games-devel] Heads up: libkdegames API cleanup

Stefan Majewsky stefan.majewsky at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 8 20:54:24 UTC 2012

Moin moin,

the lists on http://community.kde.org/Games/API_cleanup are now
complete. What you definitely need to look at is the list of
components, where the fate of the individual components is
color-coded. I plan to break compatibility and start cleaning the API
around the weekend. Here is what I need to know from you until then:

1. Components marked with red will be *removed from the source tree*
starting from next week. If you want to keep any of the red
components, please speak up.

2. Components marked with blue are still undecided. Please discuss the
future of these components.

3. If you are a user of libkdegames outside of the kdegames source
tree, please speak up. The only one on my radar is Knights.
playground/games and scratch repos are usually not on my radar.

Meanwhile, I'm busy preparing patches to remove KGGZ.


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