[Kde-games-devel] KgSound build problem

Ian Wadham iandw.au at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 07:18:46 UTC 2012

After svn update of kdegames I get build problems where CMake says
that my version of libsndfile is too old and that I need at least v 0.21.
In actual fact I have v 1.0.25. 

I had a look at kdegames/libkdegames/CMakeLists.txt and added two
lines, just before "try_compile", to see what is happening:

    message(STATUS "Checking libsndfile capabilities")

Note the messages put out both singular and plural forms of the INCLUDE and LIBRARY
symbols.  This is because both singular and plural forms occur later in the CMakeLists.txt
and I think there may have been a slip of the pen somewhere in there.

Attached is my CMake output.  It appears (in that output) that the singular 
SNDFILE_INCLUDE_DIR and the plural SNDFILE_LIBRARIES are correct and
the header and libraries are where I expect to find them.  I am working on a
Macbook with libraries installed by Macports, as I have been doing from July
last year until today, without any problems.

Furthermore, my installed sndfile.h file contains the necessary OGG and VORBIS
enum values.   The only other thing I can think of is that the compiler here does not like

int main()
        //We need Ogg/Vorbis support. If sndfile.h is too old, these enum values
        //will be missing and compiler errors will be generated.
        (void) SF_FORMAT_OGG;
        (void) SF_FORMAT_VORBIS;

        return 0;

in libkdegames/audio/check-libsndfile-capabilities.cpp … "(void) <enum value>;"(?)

Any ideas?  I'm stuck here, but am using -DUSE_OPENAL_SNDFILE=OFF to
work around the problem short-term.

Cheers, Ian W.

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