[Kde-games-devel] Very quiet on kdegames

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Fri Nov 25 19:02:01 UTC 2011

Am Freitag, 25. November 2011, 17:21:18 schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:
> I am still in favour of separate repositories for each game and keeping
> the data files with the source code. The SVG-without-Z approach sounds
> pretty nice and I hope that that will be the way to go.

sooner or later I want to add voice files to Kajongg - that would be
ogg files. Around 500k to 1M per voice. at least four voices per language,
at least english and german.

organized like in ktuberling, I guess. English in the kajongg source
directory, other languages in l10n-kde4/*/data/kdegames/kajongg

BTW I am looking for native english speakers... I do have german
voices but I should add english first.


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