[Kde-games-devel] Introducing Goldberg Slicer & myself

Stefan Majewsky kdemailinglists at bethselamin.de
Wed May 26 16:18:35 CEST 2010

Am Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2010, 14:11:57 schrieb Johannes Obermayr:
> For me it works and looks very well and there should be a freeze exception
> for inclusion in KDE SC 4.5. But I am not a developer ...

No, the time until 4.5 is way too short. I am working with Johannes (the other 
one, not you) on some additional API for libpala, to improve the integration 
with the main application.

Independent from that, distributors are of course free to create packages of 
the Goldberg slicer for Palapeli 1.0/1.1 from the available releases, such as 
I did with your help on OBS (although 64-bit packages are still not building, 
and I cannot investigate that because my systems are all 32-bit; if you want 
to help with debugging that, ping me so I can add you as a maintainer of that 
package in my repo).


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