[Kde-games-devel] Bow to your new queen!

Sean suseux at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 19 21:35:11 CET 2010

2010/1/19 Arturo Silva <jasilva28 at gmail.com>

> All hail!  :D
> Very good photorealism, despite the WIP status!  Just seems a tad
> labor-intensive for the whole deck, but as long as you're up to the task,
> more power to you.  :)
> Quick question:  What's the node count+file size, and will this impact
> rendering speed?  [unless this will be used as an embedded PNG]

The card as a svgz on it's own is only 21.3kb. So in other words; It's not
much different to the Egyptian card deck.
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