[Kde-games-devel] Palapeli preview window survey

Johannes Loehnert loehnert.kde at gmx.de
Mon Aug 9 21:22:50 CEST 2010

Hello people,

Some weeks ago I made some propositions to Stefan about how a preview window 
for the whole puzzle in Palapeli could look like. As it goes in the world, he 
had a different opinion :) and after exchanging some mails, the topic fell 
into oblivion.

One of Ians Mails reminded me of it. So, survey question to all who care:

How would you imagine the "assembled puzzle preview" of palapeli?

Just imagine you had to implement and use it yourself. How to switch it on? 
Where shall it pop up? Does it have any interactivity? etc...

As said before, Stefan and me both have opinions on this. However I would post 
them in a follow-up, so that everybody starts with a "tabula rasa". ;-)

Best regards,
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