[Kde-games-devel] Review Request: Allow the player to start a new game by clicking on the intro screen.

Parker Coates parker.coates at kdemail.net
Mon Apr 19 17:38:53 CEST 2010

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Review request for KDE Games.


When LSkat starts, it displays a fancy intro scene where the cards all dance around. This is cool, but to start a new game the player has to go to the Game menu and select New Game. This works, but it isn't very "friendly" to send the player to the menu first thing.

Yesterday, Frederik suggested that a clicking on the play area while the intro is running should start a new game. I thought this made sense, so I implemented it.

You'll notice that the patch switches a mousePressEvent reimplementation to a mouseReleaseEvent reimplementation. I did this because the mousePressEvent handler was only being called when the user clicked on a QGraphicItem. If the player clicked on the empty background, mousePressEvent wasn't called. If anyone can explain this particular behaviour and knows how to work around it, I'd be glad to hear. Regardless, the gameplay is pretty much identical when using release events, so I don't think it's a big deal either way.


  trunk/KDE/kdegames/lskat/src/gameview.h 1116258 
  trunk/KDE/kdegames/lskat/src/gameview.cpp 1116258 
  trunk/KDE/kdegames/lskat/src/mainwindow.cpp 1116258 

Diff: http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/3671/diff


There's not really much to test. Seems to work.



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