[Kde-games-devel] Sprint prior to Qt Developer Days 2009

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen admin at leinir.dk
Tue Sep 1 22:08:15 CEST 2009

Hello guys,

  It is becoming that time where we need to start thinking very seriously 
about this sprint before developer days. For those of you who don't know what 
i'm on about, i spoke with Knut Yrvin, community manager at Trolltec^wQt 
Softwar^w^wNokia, Qt frameworks division. We discussed the possibility of 
doing a developers' sprint prior to Qt Developer Days 2009. Of course, it then 
turns out he the week after spoke with Gary Greene about the same thing in the 
  Now, the reason i am telling you about this is: We need to find people to 
attend the sprint, and to really make it worthwhile, we need a good reason to 
/have/ the sprint, other than "Yay, devdays!111twelve", which of course is a 
nice reason in and of itself. So, my idea for the European sprint was to make 
it a games developers' sprint. So far i know of two people who are really hot 
on this (myself and my study partner at uni*), but two people doth no sprint 
  As such i ask of you: Check your calendars. The sprint would be from October 
9th to 11th, and devdays are 12th to 14th, and is in Munich, Germany. Since we 
are aiming to set it up as a developer's sprint, we hope to get accommodation 
and travel expenses covered by the e.V., and Nokia will be taking care of the 
passes for devdays. Please get back to me ASAAP on this, as we really need to 
get the ball rolling - after all, there's only a month and a bit until those 

* We will be working on our MSc thesis over the next year, and we will be 
implementing a library for AI for Gluon, based on behavior trees, as defined 
by http://aigamedev.com/insider/presentations/behavior-trees/ - hence the 
relevance of our attendance ;)

..Dan // Leinir..

                          or no

                          - Piet Hein

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