[Kde-games-devel] Palapeli Review

Arturo Silva jasilva28 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 17:49:45 CEST 2009

Yo Stefan. ^^

Thank you for the response -- I'm happy to know that the majority of
the points I mentioned are on, or have been added to, your TODO list
in some form.  ^__^

Regarding the zooming, my recommendation is to have the "zoomed out"
view scale to the size of the window (the default behavior for nearly
all KDE games), but that it still retains the ability to zoom in
(either with the slider or the mouse wheel) so that it allows for
greater detail viewing.

Regarding the ridge lines of the puzzle pieces, I think that's fine.
It does retain some of the realism.  :D

Regarding the play button, I think your current build as you've
described it would work perfectly. ^^b

And regarding the "in progress" thing, I really suggested that in the
event the computer is shared by more than one person (read, "kids").
If one happens to load a puzzle correctly in progress by another
player and not realize it's in mid-play, there goes there work.  :P

But agreed this is a very minor detail, so feel free to revisit this
in the distant long-term after more core functions are
completed/polished.  :)

And that should be all.

BTW, I may yet draw a tile pattern after all -- I was inspired by a
pattern I saw in a diner counter.  We'll see if it really looks good
on Palapeli or not -- if so, I'll post it for you.  :D


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