[Kde-games-devel] Hardcoded Quotation in KGoldrunner

Frederik Schwarzer schwarzerf at gmail.com
Thu May 21 22:10:35 CEST 2009


there is some oddness of the following code in src/kgoldrunner.cpp

 887     // Now update the PAUSE/RESUME message in the status bar.
 888     kDebug() << "Update Pause/Resume message ...";
 889     pauseKeys = myPause->shortcut().toString(QKeySequence::NativeText);
 890     pauseKeys = pauseKeys.replace (';', "\" " + i18n ("or") + " \"");
 891     gameFreeze (frozen);»···»···// Refresh the status bar text.

The string translators see is
    Press \"%1\" to PAUSE

In German this is translated as
    Drücken Sie „%1“, um eine Pause zu machen

Together with the above code, it looks like this in KDE 4.2:
    Drücken Sie „P" oder " ESC“, um eine Pause zu machen

However, it looks like this in KDE 4.3:
    Drücken Sie „P“, um eine Pause zu machen

The Shortcut settings are the same.

So, what's going on here?
If it was changed for KDE 4.3 to only return the primary shortcut then the code
can be skipped. If there should be both shortcuts, the code is quite unfortunate

Any Idea how to fix this issue?

- pauseKeys = pauseKeys.replace (';', "\" " + i18n ("or") + " \"");
+ pauseKeys = pauseKeys.replace ("; ", i18nc("closing quotation mark", "\" ") + i18n ("or") + i18nc("opening quotation mark"," \""));

... would probably make things better for translators ... but maybe
somebody can think of a proper solution.


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