[Kde-games-devel] not-fake svg card decks

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Fri May 1 17:57:11 CEST 2009

Parker Coates wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 9:22 PM, Matthew Woehlke
> <mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> So... we've imported the old png card decks... but they are still pixel art!
>> I think it would be great if any aspiring (or otherwise) artists would
>> work on creating real vector art with the same "feel" as these decks,
>> and we can then update them as they are completed. Sound like a good idea?
> It's definitely a good idea if anyone is willing to do the work. In a
> lot of cases the quality could be improved with even partial
> conversion to vector. For example converting the card border,
> characters and symbols to vector while leaving the images as raster,
> would be a great start.

Indeed. That would be especially relevant I think to the Konqui deck :-).

>> Anyway, I'm working on Penguins. (No time for a preview right this
>> instant, but I'll probably post something later.)
> All the power to you. How do you plan to handle the copyright?

I'm assuming the license on the original deck permits derivative works? 
The Tux SVG I have is http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tux.svg, 
which mentions "The copyright holder of this file allows anyone to use 
it for any purpose, provided that the copyright holders Larry Ewing, 
Simon Budig and Anja Gerwinski are mentioned." (That /appears/ to be the 
actual license rather than a summary of a longer license.) So I don't 
expect a problem beyond getting the list of credits correct. The other 
elements are just text, rectangles, and the suit glyphs from the Paris 
deck (which I am again assuming permits derivative works?).

I don't have the needed extra elements for the queen/king, I'm hoping 
someone can help with that :-). (I could copy the original graphics, but 
that wouldn't match the style of the Tux I am using. For that matter, by 
sticking with the Tux mentioned above is changing the style of the j/q/k 
a bit, but makes those consistent with the ace of spades and the back. 
Then again, maybe I /should/ make a new, more-Paris-like Tux for the 
face cards? I think I will post a screen shot and solicit opinions.)

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