[Kde-games-devel] bamboo tileset

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Fri May 1 17:42:17 CEST 2009

Okay, so I haven't gotten much work done on this /lately/ :-(, but I'm 
trying to get back to it. Artwork freeze is still almost 2 months away, 
but string freeze is coming up fast (May 5).

So... should I commit what I have so far so that the strings are "out 
there"? I would assume we can still back off on shipping it any time 
before artwork freeze.

I definitely want to finish this /some/ time, if not for 4.3, then for 
4.4, so if I commit it now to get translations but don't get it done, so 
long as I get it done /eventually/ :-) the translation effort isn't wasted.

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   -- Princess Leia Organa (Star Wars IV)

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