[Kde-games-devel] Kmahjongg defauilt tileset

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Sun Jun 7 15:49:04 CEST 2009

>>> As you may know for this release we have been working very hard to make
>>> sure all our games have a single theme to them (well Half was working very
>>> hard, I was just making myself look all important :P), which we choose to
>>> be Egypt. For the most of the games we got it right on time, finished and
>>> committed before string freeze. Kmahjongg however was left behind due to
>>> complexity of it's theme. Here is a screen-shot:
>>> http://imagebin.ca/view/SdJg2-d.html The problem is - it's after the freeze
>>> and we can't get it in anymore. There is one way around it though. We could
>>> replace an existing default theme svgz with the Egyptian one to insure it
>>> gets into 4.3 This of course is a temporary measure, and will be reverted
>>> right after the trunk is unfrozen.
>> Each design has two translatable messages?
>> In this case ask on kde-i18n-doc for approval to break the freeze.
> Agreed. Translators will most likely approve the request for the two
> extra strings. Removing/renaming the default theme might cause more
> problems in the future. So just post to the i18n list and hopefully
> get it in in the next couple of days.

Hi, Eugene and Sean. Did you commit it? In the i18-n list we got the
ok from the teams that replied.
It might even be possible to get it in without generating any extra
messages, which would be better. For this, just re-use  the existing
strings for the Egyptian themes already included in other games (i.e.
call it Egyptian, and possibly re-use one of the description strings.)
Can you guys add this before it is too late, as the artwork is really

Mauricio Piacentini

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