[Kde-games-devel] Translateable Strings in QtScript (KSudoku)

Johannes Bergmeier Johannes.Bergmeier at gmx.net
Sat Jan 31 15:35:21 CET 2009

I'm working on a logic-game-engine which should replace the current (difficult 
to maintain) core of KSudoku. While at the beginning the game-rules were 
described in an custom XML-format I decided that Qt-Script is the better 
choice for generating the complex rules.

I have the problem that rule-descriptions can contain dynamic hint-messages 
which will be shown to the user. Are there any KDE-wide policies how to 
generate translated, user-visible text in QtScript? And what is the best 
choice to store them?

I have currently three ideas how to achieve this:
1. create an extractor for i18n-strings in .js files. I think that this is to 
much overhead.
2. add some code for querying translations to the script engine and let it 
search for the translations in a .desktop-file or similar either by the full 
string or keys
3. same as 2. but use XML-files instead of .desktop-files

any suggestions?


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