[Kde-games-devel] Restructuring and rewriting KGoldrunner

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jan 21 18:22:02 CET 2009

Ian Wadham wrote:
> At present (KDE 4.2 and before) the game engine is tightly coupled to
> the animation, with four animation frames per grid square, each shifted
> by a quarter of a grid square, regardless of speed (which can change
> from level to level).  The main animation sequences consist of 8 frames
> spread over 2 grid squares.
> My idea is, when arriving in a grid square, to tell the view what kind
> of animation is required (e.g. run left/right, climb up/down, etc.) and
> give it a time in which to get to the next grid square.  The view can then
> perform this move using as many frames as it likes, with whatever shift
> and timing it likes, including repeating and shifting frames to smooth
> the animation, as is done in Scavenger.  The present KGrSprite class
> (thanks Mauricio!) is quite well suited to take on the required methods.

http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.games/4848 ? :-)

Or, perhaps I should say, writing something that can be used by other 
games would rock!

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