[Kde-games-devel] The State of KNetwalk

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Dec 15 01:40:54 CET 2009

(Please do not quote my e-mail address unobfuscated in message bodies.)

Parker Coates wrote:
> I guess I don't really understand why having some puzzles with big
> holes in them and others that are barely "shuffled" is a good thing.
> It just seems to result in one sometimes getting lucky and getting an
> especially easy game, which I don't really think captures the spirit
> of KNetwalk either.

"Big holes"? Do you mean you've seen more than one hole? I can't say I 
have, but I don't see a reason not to forbid layouts with more than a 
certain (very small) percentage of holes. Say, 2-4 on Hard. But I don't 
see a problem with having one tile empty.

I also officially do not object to ensuring that a certain % of tiles 
are not in the correct position. I don't really agree with trying to 
equalize the type of wrong rotation, though.

(On a related note, my Android port of netwalk counts a "click" as any 
number of consecutive rotations of a piece. Probably a good thing since 
it is much easier to play by touch, and that really only provides one 
direction of rotation.)

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