[Kde-games-devel] Regarding the latest messages about regressions...

Mathias Kraus k.hias at gmx.de
Mon Dec 14 20:47:41 CET 2009

Mauricio Piacentini schrieb am Montag 14 Dezember 2009:
> In Granatier and KPat, did you guys check if they could be maybe
> related to the underlying Qt version?

at least in granatier it seems to be related to the underlying system.
my development system was KDE SC 4.3.x and Qt4.6 beta/RC/final and I didn't 
had the freezes. only after the upgrade to the 4.4 beta the freezes occur.
I try to set up a system with 4.3 and Qt4.6 to check if it is really 4.4 
it would help if someone with a different distribution than kubuntu could try 
to reproduce the bug. it's really easy. just lay a bomb and don't move away or 
move into a hole and the game will freeze within a few seconds.


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