[Kde-games-devel] granatier

Arturo Silva jasilva28 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 03:11:18 CET 2009

*brushes dust off thread*

LOL, sorry I haven't [publicly] posted here for a while.  Well, as I
explained to Matthias, I've entered an artistic slump due in part to
several personal problems, some outside my immediate control and
others absolutely DEMANDING my control.  ^^;

That being said, so as to not have to disappear from KDE4 entirely, I
figure I should officially limit my presence here, and also focus on
providing fast artwork when I am available.  I know quality is
essential, but since this is FOSS I figure an incremental "release
early release often" should work for artwork too.  -v-

In any event, regarding Granatier, i think the current explosion
graphic effect is amazing good as is, so at least for the time being
Matthias and I agreed to keep it that way.  Same for the exploding

For the wallpaper, I quickly drafted to simple but stylized proposals
that could work:

Here's a "daytime" version:


And a "sunset" version:


Hopefully some time next week I can attempt the same
simple-but-stylized approach with Magazyier so that too can start
getting some traction.

Okay, that's all for now.  ^^

--Arturo "C-quel" Silva

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