[Kde-games-devel] Python bindings for libkdegames

Simon Edwards simon at simonzone.com
Sat Aug 1 21:17:44 CEST 2009


Matt Williams wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 July 2009 20:52:01 Simon Edwards wrote:
> The more interesting thing is which parts of the library would be bound. There 
> are, unfortunately, some parts of kdegameslibs which are ungainly and 
> unmaintained (KGame for example) while there are others which are used widely 
> (such as the theme stuff).

Would binding the kggz* bunch of classes be a good place to start? I 
don't want to waste effort on classes that people are not interested in 

>> * Would the kde-games module maintainer mind having the bindings as part
>> of the kde-games module? This would mean an (optional?) dependency on
>> the Python bindings in kdebindings.
> Of course. If it was placed in kdegames, the dependency on kdebindings must be 
> optional of course. I assume kdegames is the best place for this as opposed to 
> kdebindings itself or another new class of module (e.g. kdegamesbindings)?

Marble has bindings for its marble widget and related classes. It is 
currently experimental since the API is not set in stone. But it kept in 
the marble src directory inside the kdeedu module. I personally think it 
makes sense to have bindings with the library them belong to. The other 
viable option is to create a kdegamesbindings module somewhere. In the 
short term I'll try to fix up some bindings based on 4.3 and put that in 
playground or somewhere so that Wolfgang and anyone else can start using 
them instead of waiting for KDE 4.4.

If you include a python game inside kdegames, then from a dependency 
point of view you are basically forced to include the bindings with the 


Simon Edwards             | KDE-NL, Guidance tools, Guarddog Firewall
simon at simonzone.com       | http://www.simonzone.com/software/
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."

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