[Kde-games-devel] On KPatience and Carddecks

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at huftis.org
Fri Sep 19 11:52:03 CEST 2008

Eugene Trounev:

> 2) we are about to move the themes to all the games into KNS, leaving only
>   a) default one;
>   b) accessibility one;
> to reduce the pack size.

Though I understand the reasoning, I think two themes are a bit too few.
How about: c) Kids (i.e., the Nicu set). The KDE would cater for all large
groups of users: normal users, accessibility users (e.g. old people) and

> The problem here is that carddecks selector (beside being rather ugly and
> a bit broken) doesn't currently integrate into KNS.

Not to mention that the interface for selecting card decks is completely
different in other kdegames games. There really should be consistency here.
Currently there are at least three ways of choosing cards/bricks/themes:

Dialogue from settings menu (KPat)
Category in settings dialogue (KMahjonng, and several others)
Sub-menu in settings menu (Bovo)

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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