[Kde-games-devel] Killbots

Paul B happysmileman at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 2 18:51:23 CEST 2008

Ok I can't build it, I get a lot of linker errors in the form 
"/home/paul/killbots/scene.cpp:400: undefined reference to 
`KGamePopupItem::setMessageTimeout(int)'", they all refer to Games related 
classes, it happens in mainwindow.cpp, scene.cpp and render.cpp.

Since it's all games related classes I'm assuming it's something wrong with my 
setup and not your code (Since it's a linker error, and only happens for the 
games related classes), could someone else test this?

I do have libkdegames-dev-kde4 installed, and I've built all other KDE games 
from source so that doesn't appear to be the problem. I'm running Kubuntu 
Hardy with KDE4.1.

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