[Kde-games-devel] On KDE card decks...

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Oct 10 22:28:10 CEST 2008

Eugene Trounev wrote:
>> Ok, but... for the record, I think Oxygen is the best theme we currently
>> have :-). 
> [snip] And I would think I may safely put my word at stake here by
> accusing all those nay-sayers of only having seen Kpat once, whilst
> playing it never.

Indeed; I do seem to recall Oxygen was a bit confusing *at first*, but 
after a few games I not only ceased noticing it ("it" being the feeling 
that it was strange, wrong somehow, etc.), but can't imagine going back 
to a mostly-white deck that /isn't/ so each to tell red from black :-). 
So it wouldn't surprise me if the naysayers never gave it a real chance.

>> Oh, and... some time I will have to submit my hack of Oxygen to make all
>> suits different colors.
> Now this is  a splendid idea. Simply marvelous! I will welcome the new deck 
> with all my heart :) It shall be known as Oxygen Colors :P

Well, since I was playing kpat with it yesterday... where do you want 
it? :-)

Like Oxygen, it seems to need some "breaking in time" before you're used 
to it, but after, it does seem to achieve the objective (easier to 
identify cards by suit). Of course, there might also be better choices 
for the colors :-). But the hard part was duplicating the card bases and 
then fixing all the clones (and translations thereof); it takes seconds 
to fiddle with the colors now, so maybe someone will come up with 
something better.

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