[Kde-games-devel] KDE/kdegames/libkdegames

Parker Coates parker.coates at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 05:48:33 CEST 2008

SVN commit 868325 by coates:

Fixed and cleaned up logic for selecting the last used theme. 

For some reason, selecting the last used theme recently stopped working 
for some games if the theme was the default one. I'm not sure, but 
this might be related to aseigo's changes to KConfigSkeleton and default 

Regardless the new code should work the same as before, with the added 
bonus that the "Theme" KConfig entry is no longer hardcoded to the
"General" group. As long as it's named "Theme", it will be found

There is still a potential issue when running a game for the first time.
As a game developer there are a couple things you can do to prevent 
this. One is to set the default value of the "Theme" entry to "themes/
default.desktop" (or whatever your default theme is named). The other is 
to update the KConfigSkeleton whenever you fallback to default theme.
For example:
	if ( !Render::loadTheme( Settings::theme() ) )

CCMAIL:kde-games-devel at kde.org

 M  +36 -31    kgamethemeselector.cpp  

--- trunk/KDE/kdegames/libkdegames/kgamethemeselector.cpp #868324:868325
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
         QString groupName;
         void setupData(KConfigSkeleton* config, KGameThemeSelector::NewStuffState knsflags);
-        void findThemes(const QString &initialGroup);
+        void findThemes(const QString &initialSelection);
         // private slots
         void _k_updatePreview();
@@ -65,66 +65,72 @@
 void KGameThemeSelector::KGameThemeSelectorPrivate::setupData(KConfigSkeleton * aconfig, KGameThemeSelector::NewStuffState knsflags)
-    ui.getNewButton->setIcon(KIcon("get-hot-new-stuff")); 
-    //Get our currently configured Tileset entry
-    KConfig * config = aconfig->config();
-    KConfigGroup group = config->group("General");
-    QString initialGroup = group.readEntry("Theme"); //Should be someting like "themes/default.desktop"
+    ui.getNewButton->setIcon(KIcon("get-hot-new-stuff"));
-    //The lineEdit widget holds our bg path, but the user does not manipulate it directly
+    //The lineEdit widget holds our theme path for automatic connection via KConfigXT.
+    //But the user should not manipulate it directly, so we hide it.
     //Disable KNS button?
     if (knsflags==KGameThemeSelector::NewStuffDisableDownload) {
-    //Now get our tilesets into a list
+    //Get the last used theme path from the KConfigSkeleton
+    KConfigSkeletonItem * configItem = aconfig->findItem("Theme");
+    QString lastUsedTheme = configItem->property().toString();
+    //Now get our themes into the list widget
     KGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("gamethemeselector", "data", KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName() + '/' + lookupDirectory + '/');
-    findThemes(initialGroup);
+    findThemes(lastUsedTheme);
     connect(ui.getNewButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), q, SLOT(_k_openKNewStuffDialog()));
-void KGameThemeSelector::KGameThemeSelectorPrivate::findThemes(const QString &initialGroup)
+void KGameThemeSelector::KGameThemeSelectorPrivate::findThemes(const QString &initialSelection)
-    QStringList themesAvailable;
-    KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("gamethemeselector", QString("*.desktop"), KStandardDirs::Recursive, themesAvailable);
-    QString namestr("Name");
-    int numvalidentries = 0;
     //Disconnect the themeList as we are going to clear it and do not want previews generated
-    for (int i = 0; i < themesAvailable.size(); ++i)
+    ui.themeList->setSortingEnabled(true);
+    QStringList themesAvailable;
+    KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("gamethemeselector", "*.desktop", KStandardDirs::Recursive, themesAvailable);
+    foreach (const QString &file, themesAvailable)
+      QString themePath = lookupDirectory + '/' + file;
       KGameTheme* atheme = new KGameTheme(groupName);
-      QString themepath = lookupDirectory + '/' + themesAvailable.at(i);
-      if (atheme->load(themepath)) {
-        themeMap.insert(atheme->themeProperty(namestr), atheme);
-        ui.themeList->addItem(atheme->themeProperty(namestr));
-        //Find if this is our currently configured Theme
-        if (themepath==initialGroup) {
-                    //Select current entry
-          ui.themeList->setCurrentRow(numvalidentries);
+      if (atheme->load(themePath)) {
+        QString themeName = atheme->themeProperty("Name");
+        //Add underscores to avoid duplicate names.
+        while (themeMap.contains(themeName))
+          themeName += '_';
+        themeMap.insert(themeName, atheme);
+        QListWidgetItem * item = new QListWidgetItem(themeName, ui.themeList);
+        //Find if this is our currently configured theme
+        if (themePath==initialSelection) {
+          ui.themeList->setCurrentItem(item);
-        ++numvalidentries;
       } else {
         delete atheme;
-    ui.themeList->sortItems();
-    //reconnect the themeList
+    //Reconnect the themeList
     connect(ui.themeList, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged ( QListWidgetItem * , QListWidgetItem * )), q, SLOT(_k_updatePreview()));
 void KGameThemeSelector::KGameThemeSelectorPrivate::_k_updatePreview()
     KGameTheme * seltheme = themeMap.value(ui.themeList->currentItem()->text());
-        //Sanity checkings. Should not happen.
+    //Sanity checkings. Should not happen.
     if (!seltheme) return;
     if (seltheme->path() == ui.kcfg_Theme->text()) {
@@ -146,7 +152,6 @@
     //Draw the preview
     QPixmap pix(seltheme->preview());
 void KGameThemeSelector::KGameThemeSelectorPrivate::_k_openKNewStuffDialog()

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