[Kde-games-devel] Problems with KCardDialog::deckSVGFilePath

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jan 30 23:53:02 CET 2008


first the good news: I'm almost done introducing the new KPixmapCache
based card cache to kpat. However I notices a slight inconsistency in
KCardDialog and how the card decks work.

The problem is that svg theme's sometimes don't use the backside thats
inside the theme's svgz, but a separate deckXX_theme.svgz is shipped
inside the decks/ subdirectory.

I'd just like to know what the reasoning is behind this and why these
backsides are not merged into the main theme svgz with a separate id?
Would make the cache a bit easier to implement, now I've to check wether
the "back" id actually exists in the renderer and if not render without


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