[Kde-games-devel] kdegames maintainer list update

Henrique Pinto henrique.pinto at kdemail.net
Thu Dec 4 11:58:37 CET 2008


I'm listed as KSame's maintainer. I haven't done anything related to
its development recently, mostly because I haven't really started
using KDE4 (too unstable for me, but things are looking a lot better
for 4.2 :) ). If there's no other person interested in maintaining it,
I can continue on that job (it might even be some incentive to finally
move to 4.x fulltime), but if there's someone better suited than me
feel free to change the maintainership.

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 10:55 AM, Stefan Majewsky <majewsky at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hello kdegames developers,
> during the last IRC meeting, it was decided that the maintainers' list at [1]
> should now be actively maintained. You are receiving this mail because you are
> listed as maintainer of one or more games on [1]. I'm kindly asking you to
> report on this list whether you are still able to maintain these games. This
> does not happen because of a growing number of unmaintained games, but for the
> interest of high-quality applications in the kdegames module, and to get an
> overview of the current maintenance situation.
> This is what I would like you to do:
> - If you are still maintaining the games mentioned in [1], put the current
> date in the "Last update" column for each game. (If you're not familiar with
> wiki markup, send a mail back to me with a list of all games you are
> maintaining, to let me do this job for you.)
> - If you cannot afford the time to maintain one of your games, please send a
> mail to kde-games-devel at kde.org to inform the team about your resignment.
> - If you passed maintenance of your game to another developer, please forward
> this mail to him or her.
> Thank you for your help.
> Regards,
> Stefan Majewsky

    Henrique Pinto
    tawhaki at gmail.com

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