[Kde-games-devel] Announce of the KsirK Skin Editor

Kleag kleag at free.fr
Tue Aug 26 01:15:48 CEST 2008


I'm happy to announce here the birth of the KsirK Skin Editor. You can see it 
here: http://kleag.free.fr/ksirkskineditor.jpeg

ksirkskineditor allows, as soon as you have prepared a SVG file with the map 
and all 
the sprites, to define all the elements of the skin desktop file (name, 
countries, continents, positions of the sprites, etc).

The version in svn has now all the features necessary for a first version and 
I will now correct the bugs that I will be able to detect.

There is still some missing features, like e.g. a skin completeness checking 
tool and a tool to define the geometry of the countries. Also, the GUI is 
maybe an usability nightmare.

I would be very happy to receive some comments about ksirkskineditor. In the 
meantime, I will start the GHNS integration to allow you to put online all the 
great skins that you will be able to produce :-)



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