[Kde-games-devel] Sound in kdegames?

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Mon Aug 18 08:01:04 CEST 2008

On Sunday 17 August 2008, Eugene Trounev wrote:
> According to Phonon (ex)developer that's what he's offered TT to begin with
> (a complete multimedia solution), but they don't want that. The only
> purpose of Phonon is to abstract the sound output well enough for it to be
> easily accessible on Windows/Mac/Unix. They are not interested in a
> complete multimedia solution. Their main reason for this - they are not a
> multimedia company (no games, and such), and the most apps only need a very
> basic sound support.

Actually it is the other way around.

Matthias told me that at the last meeting he had with TT folks they suggested 
doing a "can do everything" multimedia API instead, but Matthias told them 
that Phonon was never intended nor designed for that purpose.

> As for the development continuation - TT will be maintaining the code for
> now, until a new dev is found/old one returns (maybe).

The way I understood it Matthias wants to concentrate on finishing his studies 
so someone at TT takes maintainership for libphonon additionally to the 
backends they already maintain.

Matthias also hinted that would be returning most likely as a TT employee 
after graduating.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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