[Kde-games-devel] Go game

Paul B happysmileman at googlemail.com
Fri Aug 8 20:41:38 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 05 August 2008 15:02:48 Sascha Peilicke wrote:
> As the code for KGo is in playground/games for quite some time, it's time
> to talk about it's current state. Well, it compiles and runs! Just kidding,
> I really spent some time to get the user interface sane and easy (most Go
> frontends confront the player with a ton of settings). Interaction with the
> Go engine is fully possible but as you might instantly notice, placed
> stones are not rendered on the Go board. The other important aspect that 
> not implemented is playing against the computer or letting computers play
> against each other. While this is fully supported in the backend and also
> configurable, I lacked the time to actually make-it-happen (tm).
> I think it won't be long till you can finally play Go games on KDE :-)

Does it, or will it allow playing internet games? And if so, does/will it have 
the ability to connect to common servers (are there any that will work with 
free software?).

I've been wanting to learn to play but I hear that once you learn the basics a 
computer presents pretty much no challenge.

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