[Kde-games-devel] Bugfix for KDiamond

Paul B happysmileman at googlemail.com
Fri Aug 8 17:50:22 CEST 2008

I have here a patch to fix two bugs in KDiamond I came across.

The first bug was that after completing a game it was not possible to play 
another game without restarting the application because the update timer 
would be stopped at the end of each game but not started again when a new 
game was started, this was fixed by starting the update timers in 
MainWindow::startNewGame() instead of MainWindow::MainWindow().

Second bug was that when playing an untimed game the game would end on 
your first move after 200 seconds were up. This happens when 
KDiamond::GameState::addPoints() is called and it calls update(true), which 
forces recalculation of the time even if you're playing an untimed game, and 
it doesn't check whether the game is untimed before ending it based on the 

In addition to fixing these it also changes it so that "Untimed Game" is 
displayed in the statusbar instead of "Time Remaining: %1 seconds" if you're 
playing an untimed game.
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