[Kde-games-devel] Go game

Sascha Peilicke sasch.pe at gmx.de
Tue Aug 5 16:02:48 CEST 2008

As the code for KGo is in playground/games for quite some time, it's time to 
talk about it's current state. Well, it compiles and runs! Just kidding, I 
really spent some time to get the user interface sane and easy (most Go 
frontends confront the player with a ton of settings). Interaction with the 
Go engine is fully possible but as you might instantly notice, placed stones 
are not rendered on the Go board. The other important aspect that is not 
implemented is playing against the computer or letting computers play against 
each other. While this is fully supported in the backend and also 
configurable, I lacked the time to actually make-it-happen (tm). 

I think it won't be long till you can finally play Go games on KDE :-)

p.s.: I'd love to see someone more capable to step up and create some custom 
icons and themes (current stuff mostly ripped from KReversi)
Sascha Peilicke

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