[Kde-games-devel] Meeting results and todo items

Matt Williams matt at milliams.com
Thu Oct 4 19:46:03 CEST 2007

> c) Game icons and action icons. We need to compile a list of the icons
> that are still missing for all games and libraries. Johann started this
> effort a few months ago, but it did not get far as support for all
> maintainers is needed. So if you are a maintainer, collect the list of
> missing icons for your game now. Johann will create a new page on
> techbase so we can track what is missing, and relay this information to
> the Oxygen team as well. This task has priority, so it has to be done by
> the end of next week, at most. Johann will post the icon page URL in the
> next couple of days, be ready with your list of needed icons for when it
> is done.

I would like a game icon for KSquares to be made. The currect icon is bad
in about every possible way. I'll leave it up to the artists imagination
to think of a way to make a square exciting :P


Matt Williams

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