[Kde-games-devel] Highscore classes

Matt Williams matt at milliams.com
Fri Mar 30 23:10:55 CEST 2007

While trying to implement highscores in KSquares and after a discussion on 
#kdegames I have realised that the KExtHighscore implementation currently in 
place is seemingly overengineered and is too much of an obstacle for simple 
games. I believe that the classes are currently unmaintained and frankly 
no-one knows how it all works.

I have decided to start work no a simple, lightweight highscore class set to 
make everyone's life a nicer and better place :)

The current stuff should stay where it is for now (with my code to sit 
alongside once it's ready) until it is not being used (or forever). What are 
the rules about adding functionality from libkdegames during the KDE4 
lifecycle? If I miss the 4.0 deadline will it have to wait until 4.1?

All of those out there who are currently using K(Ext)Highscore and even those 
who aren't but want to implement a highscore table, I'd like to hear what 
features you need/want.

Comments/suggestions/ideas/et cetera are welcome.

Regards, Matt
Matt Williams

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