[Kde-games-devel] KGoldrunner has resizing, SVG and themes

Ian Wadham ianw2 at optusnet.com.au
Sat Mar 24 12:43:47 CET 2007

Hi everybody,

I have just committed a version of KGoldrunner that fully supports
resizing, SVG, themes and the beginnings of some config() memory.

There is one SVG theme (mainly for testing) and I have set it as the
default theme.  I have also included three of the old pixmap themes,
which are looking a little better than they used to in Qt3/KDE3.  In the
SVG theme, the runners are just flashing lights (I am a dunce at
Inkscape and cannot draw to save my life).  I am putting a README
for theme-designers in the SVN for kdegames/kgoldrunner/pics.

Mauricio, the runners have the usual 20 frames in SVG.  I'll need to
code up some more metadata to handle 8-frame, 2-pace running
sequences, or PNG frame-files, but it will be no big deal to do that.
Please just email me your requirements.

Johann, the steely ladders you drew are showing moiré (or strobe)
effects in the shading and anti-aliasing, when you resize the main
window.  To let you know what is happening, I have left in the
debugging messages which will tell you the underlying tile size.

The ladders look fine if the tile-size is a multiple of 4 pixels, but
not otherwise.  I could easily restrict the tiles to those sizes, if you
would like.  There would just be more than two tile-widths of border
area sometimes, but that is part of the background anyway.

I just have one more task to do on KGoldrunner, apart from bug
fixes, refinements of existing work (e.g. SVG support) and minor
upgrades.  So I will be taking a break for a while to attend to a
non-KDE project commitment that is several months overdue.  I was
hoping to introduce some major new KGoldrunner features for KDE4,
but the 1 June cutoff is rather close ... :-(

All the best, Ian W.

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