[Kde-games-devel] Bovo Chess

Aron Boström aron.bostrom at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 19:54:39 CET 2007

Well, it turned out I didn't really need that much of help, after all. :)

The game is residing in playground/games/bovo in SVN now, and it has a
homepage at http://kdebovo.googlepages.com/ with game rule, code
status, install instructions and screenshot.

I'd be happy if you gave it a try and told me how you liked it.

Thanks to all those on #kdegames who lend me a helping hand!

Aron Boström
(irc: hrafnahnef)

On 3/1/07, Aron Boström <aron.bostrom at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm programming student at a Scandinavian university. Recently I
> ported one of my old high school programming projects from java to
> C++. The game is similar to kwin4 and tic-tac-too.
> It's a classic pen-and-paper game where two players tries to connect
> five-in-a-row (diagonal, vertical or horizontal), and at the same time
> preventing the opponent to do the same.
> The AI is far from complete, but at least it is quite challenging, and
> at the same time not impossible to defeat. So I have started out to
> make a Qt4 GUI.
> It's here that I need your help. Thus, here are my questions:
> * Do anyone know if this game is already implemented, so I don't need
> to duplicate work?
> * Might someone give my game a try and tell me your opinion?
> * Would such a game, when ported to svg themes, network libs and cool
> artwork, be in question for inclusion in KDE 4.0 or 4.1? (I have an
> svn account since last Summer of Code.)
> * How tough do you think it is for an able progammer (not very used to
> GUI development) to implement all these GUI things? (SVG support,
> QGgraphicsView, "game loop", menus, mainwidgets, etc...)
> The alpha can be obtained at
> http://www.forumscaniae.net/pub/bovochess-0.2.tar.bz2
> tar xjf bovochess-0.2.tar.bz2
> mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../bovochess-0.2
> make install
> That leaves some executables in the root of the build dir, namely:
> * bovogui (gui demo game where two AI's battle each other)
> * play (to play a commandline version of the game against the AI)
> * some other irrelevant ones (tests)
> Dependencies:
> * CMake, Qt4 and STL, I guess. Possibly KDE4 needs to be installed
> * I think gcc might be a dependency, so far.
> Greetings,
> Aron Boström
> (irc: hrafnahnef)

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