[Kde-games-devel] First wishes for KGamePopupItem

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jun 25 01:05:35 CEST 2007

Dmitry Suzdalev wrote:
> On Monday 25 June 2007 00:38, Kleag wrote:
>> - it does not use the same colors, so this should probably be configurable
>>  (through styles ? I had not tried them up to now) ;
> I thought about this. Perhaps I shoud just add methods for setting up 
> background and text colors... and font.

I realize we are talking about games and so the rules may be different, 
but to me this says 'usability red-flag'. At any rate, please use 
KColorScheme to set the default colors.

>> - it has square angles, where I'd like rounded ones. I implemented them by
>>  making my MessageBubble to be a QGraphicsPathItem with a QGraphicsTextItem
>>  children for the message itself. Have a look at
> Yes, this could be delivered as an option (some enum).
>> svn+ssh://kleag@svn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/games/ksirk/ksirk/Mes
>> sageBubble .[h|cpp] if you want;
> Thanks I'll take a look. But I think svn+ssh needs a pair of keys, no? :) Do 
> you have anonymous access set up?

s!svn+ssh://kleag@svn.kde.org!<your svn server name>! and it should work 
for you. Or s!<stuff>!http://anonsvn.kde.org! (at least I think that's 
the right name for the anonymous svn server).

(sorry, .sig file is on the other computer)

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