[Kde-games-devel] GameMessageItem (was Re: KScoreDialog usability related question)

Nicolas Roffet nicolas-kde at roffet.com
Sun Jun 24 10:31:48 CEST 2007

Hi Dmitry,

Le mercredi 13 juin 2007, Dmitry Suzdalev a écrit :
> Already almost finished first variant of GameMessageItem (better name
> anyone)? 

Maybe "KGameMessageItem"? ,-)

> It's simple, optimised for short one-line messages, can appear 
> from either side of the QGraphicsScene (TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft,
> BottomRight) using simple animation and most importantly it is fun to
> implement :-).

It's really nice. I like it very much. :)

I used KInformationLabel, that has been merged and replaced by KTitleWidget, 
to display the ending message in KBlackBox to avoid to display a popup 
But your widget looks much better (the animation is nice!) and as I also used 
a QGraphicsView, I'd like to use it in KBlackBox.

Can you please put it in libkdegames so I can use it too? (Is is possible?)

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