[Kde-games-devel] KBreakout

Fela Winkelmolen nimatar at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 16:02:28 CEST 2007

On Thursday 21 June 2007, Ian Wadham wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 03:05 am, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > On Wednesday 20 June 2007, Fela Winkelmolen wrote:
> > > This is also why for now I'm writing the game engine independent from
> > > the QGraphicsScene, even it it makes the engine more complicated.
> >
> > not sure you'll get a good ROI there, but it is your call =)
> At the risk of disagreeing with my fellow saurian, I think separating
> the game engine, especially AI and physics, from the graphics
> would be a good way to go.  It certainly has been with KGoldrunner.
> It also allows the engine to work in a co-ordinate system that may
> be more convenient for designing and coding game logic (i.e. a
> kind of model/view approach).

Ok, you made me doubt. It would make the game a lot easier to write using 
QGraphicsSceneItems directly in the GameEngine, and I don't think 
QGraphicsScene will become obsolete anytime soon. But I'm a bit concerned 
about the performance, a simple game like this really shouldn't really use 
more than 5% of the cpu on a modern pc... I did a quick test adding 10 balls, 
and it became unplayable, but that is likely caused by my own code. I think I 
will do some more performance testing and than decide.

> [...]
> Wishing you every success with your enterprise, Ian W.

thanks =)

- fela

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