[Kde-games-devel] What new game would you like?

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 00:44:09 CEST 2007

On Saturday 16 June 2007 18:15, Richard Hartmann wrote:
> Another game (other than tetrinet ;) that would be great to have on KDE
> would be an Incredible Machine clone.
+1 for this.
Same idea came to my mind several times. Just love this game.
Although it'll requre a big effort to implement a game like this. It'll need 
not the one person, but the team of developers to write it IMO.

Moreover, after I've seen beautiful Crazy Machines (which is kind of a clone 
of TIM) and after I noticed that it uses OpenDynamics engine that is open 

But I thought that it would be difficult to write levels for it. They need to 
scale from easy to complex, and that's not an easy task to cope with.
Are you saying that there's some common level format for Incredible Machine 
and that some levels maybe taken from it (after permission of persons in 
charge of course)?
That would be just great :)


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