[Kde-games-devel] KGameDifficulty

Nicolas Roffet nicolas-kde at roffet.com
Fri Jul 27 11:21:20 CEST 2007

Le vendredi 27 juillet 2007, Mauricio Piacentini a écrit :
> And the comboBox used in
> KGameDifficulty really follows this advice, as it is very clear that the
> user can change it currently. It still a destructive operation imo which
> is not very common in statusbars, but we have the dialog box that asks
> for confirmation, which is nice and necessary in this context.

Just some informations about this confirmation dialog: 
 - There is NOT always a confirmation dialog. See "Bovo" and "Kenolaba" for 
instance. In these games, you can change the difficulty during a running 
game. (Use KGameDifficulty::setRestartOnChange( noRestartOnChange ) for 
 - If the game is not running (not yet = it did not really start), you should 
NOT get any confirmation dialog either. See KBlackBox for instance. However: 
KMines should be improved here because you got the confirmation message, even 
if the game is not running yet and the time is not running. (Use 
KGameDifficulty::setRunning( true / false ) for this).

=> So it should be displayed just when needed.

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