[Kde-games-devel] KGameDifficulty API notes and suggestions

Nicolas Roffet nicolas-kde at roffet.com
Thu Jul 12 00:53:29 CEST 2007

Hi Dmitry,

Am Dienstag, 10. Juli 2007 23:36:41 schrieben Sie:
> Ah, I missed that you can change insertion place through mygameui.rc file.
> Ok then :)

Well. OK for now, but on the long-term, I think we should do like for the 
KStandardGameAction s and add a line in the following file:

But we have to discuss more about this before doing anything.

> Well, how useful to see 4 for the reader of the code? I got your point, so
> perhaps we should replace that int by enum? Then it will be clearer. For
> example something like this:
> enum DifficultyLevelsCount
> {
>      ThreeDifficultyLevels, // easy, normal, hard
>      FourDifficultyLevels, /// etc
>      FiveDifficultyLevels
> // etc until how many we support
> }
> Yes, that's basicly the same, and perhaps naming isn't that great, but IMO
> it is much more clearer to read this:
> new KGameDifficulty( this, false, KGameDifficulty::ThreeDifficultyLevels);
> Moreover, this way will put clear restriction on how much predefined levels
> we support - so passing arbitrary int such as 99 won't work (without brute
> force of spell^W casts, of course).
> And such code is pretty self documenting :)
> I'd even go further (wrt qt lib guidelines), and replaced bool in
> constructor with simple enum too:
> enum { RestartOnChange, NoRestartOnChange } // naming from head
> Then
> new KGameDifficulty( this,
>                                   KGameDifficulty::NoRestartOnChange,
>                                   KGameDifficulty::ThreeDifficultyLevels);
> is even more understandable for code reader (while being more lengthy, yes)

This is a really good point and I tried to consider this by the rewrite of the 
class. (It's now in SVN).

> That's great we can cooperate in such a nice way to create
> something really useful by learning from eachother :)

Yes it is! :)

> > I personally prefer tabs. 
> Well, I think it should be discussed in another thread.


Next step would be now to try to use this API in other games. KBlackBox was 
here a kind of proof of concept. Dmitry, Mauricio, is it OK if I do this in 
KMines now?

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