[Kde-games-devel] QGraphicsScene performance

Fela Winkelmolen nimatar at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 16:04:39 CEST 2007

> view.setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate);

This seemed to make most of the difference, unfortunately it becomes a lot 
slower when there are also a lot of not moving objects (like the bricks in 
kbreakout), which are repainted unnecessarily, maybe this could be worked 
around making it part of the background and caching the background or 
something... but I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm trying to write the code in a way 
it's easy to switch painting system (not that I did much lately, mostly due 
to exams and laziness...).

On a bit unrelated note: borders of svg elements seems to be cut by 
QSvgRenderer. For example in inkscape you draw a rectangle with a border of 4 
pixels, but the renderer don't seem to consider the border when calculating 
the bounding rect of an element so cut's away 2 pixels. Does anybody know 
anything about it? Am I doing anything wrong or is there a workaround (other 
than putting two rects one above the other in inkscape)?

- Fela
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