[Kde-games-devel] kspaceduel: replace Q3PtrList with QtList

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 22:24:42 CET 2007

On Thursday 04 January 2007 23:52, Dirk wrote:
> I tried to remove every Q3PtrList from kspaceduel to finally finish
> porting it to Qt4. I replaced Q3PtrList with QList<*> and used
> index-based QLists as recommended by the Qt docs. The resulting patch is
> attached. However, I'm not sure whether it's correct and it would be
> nice if someone could take a short look at it, because if I did
> something wrong it would be hard to find the mistake later when it
> causes trouble.
Hi, Dirk!

I looked at your patch and:
1. I believe that removing items from container while looping over it can lead 
to unexpected results. IIRC QLinkedList is the container to use if you want 
to have iterators which aren't invalidated after remove* operations. Please 
check this in doc :).
2. Again, you can use foreach() instead "for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++)' kind 
of loops to make the code more readable.
3. Why you use qDeleteAll() in one places and "while(!empty) takeFirst" in 
another? I think it would be nice to be consistent.

Well, 2,3 are cosmetic issues, while number 1 can cause some problems if I'm 
not mistaken :).

These Q3PtrLists->QLists transition can be not that easy, I know :-).
Nice work!


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