[Kde-games-devel] 14 Segment Display

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Fri Feb 16 15:06:23 CET 2007

Mark A. Taff wrote:
> I have finished a preview for the 14-segment display svg for KMines, and any 
> other game that wants to use it.
> You will note that there will be both LED and LCD versions of the display.
> All the colors are Oxygen.  After this is done I'll do the LCD grid (5x9px 
> characters, perhaps?) display.
> Comments?

Hi, Mark. I think it looks OK, with the thinner segments. They look 
better than the QLCDNumber ones. But I guess I will do a version that 
mimics the rougher QLCDNumber segments exactly as well, just to use in 
the KMines classic theme.

I am writing this because KGameLCD (part of libkdegames) is currently 
semi-broken in KDE4. Actually, the problem is not in KGameLCD directly, 
it seems to be in QGameLCD. It no longer recognizes some of the palette 
change methods used by KGameLCD, and the result is what you see 
currently in KMines, with no change in background color (I commented on 
it in a recent SVN commit.)

I scanned the source and KGameLCD and friends are used by KMines, 
Ksirtet, KFouleggs and Klickety. However, the last 3 are currently 
unmaintained, and also broken in current SVN builds. By broken I mean 
that they build, but the game does not work correctly. I am not sure for 
how long they have been in this semi-broken, I only noticed it this week.

For KMines I will probably re-implement this KGameLCD class in a way 
that the display could be customized using elements from a SVG file. 
Maybe I should do it in KGameLCD directly, so it will be ready if anyone 
decides to rescue the 3 other games that use it in the next month or so.

BTW, there have been some commits and a fair bit of re-engineering of 
KMines during this week. I have not integrated Mark´s art yet, still 
need to change more of the code in preparation for it.

Mauricio Piacentini

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